

Belneftekhim assesses the situation on the oil market for purchasing decisions

Belneftekhim Concern evaluates the situation with oil prices to make further decisions on procurement, Belneftekhim spokesman Alexander Tishchenko told BelTA


Sergey Rumas commented on the drop in oil prices in the world and fluctuations in the foreign exchange market

It is not yet possible to assess all the consequences of a sharp decline in oil prices and the devaluation of the Russian ruble. BelTA has been informed by Belarussian Prime Minister Sergei Rumas, commenting on the situation in the relevant markets and how this affects Belarus


Five new Russian suppliers will send to Belarus in March about 200 thousand tons of oil without a premium

Five small Russian companies will deliver 200 thousand tons of oil to Belarus in March, BelTA learned from Alexander Tishchenko, press secretary of Belneftekhim concern


Alexander Lukashenko Discusses Oil Issues with Deputy Prime Minister and Head of Belneftekhim

According to the press service of the head of state, on March 7, Alexander Lukashenko met with Chairman of the Belneftekhim Concern Andrei Rybakov and Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Nazarov


Most of the export products of the Dzerzhinsky agro-combine account for Russia and China

Today, the Belarusian agricultural combine Dzerzhinsky is in the TOP-10 of the leading enterprises of Belarus. Every year it produces more than 86 thousand tons of poultry. The enterprise produces more than 20% of poultry meat products produced in the republic. However, not only Belarusians are interested in Belarusian goods, Deputy Director General of the agricultural combine Inna Kordas told reporters


Belarusian and Russian PMs discuss upcoming contacts

The Prime Ministers of Belarus and Russia Sergey Rumas and Mikhail Mishustin today in a telephone conversation discussed the schedule of upcoming contacts. This is stated on the website of the government of the Russian Federation


CSTO summit will be held in Moscow at the end of the year

The Collective Security Treaty Organization summit is planned to be held in Moscow at the end of this year. This was announced today to journalists by the CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas


Oleg Kravchenko: the logic of expanding contacts between Belarus and the USA to the detriment of relations with Russia is wrong

The logic of expanding contacts between Belarus and the United States to the detriment of relations with Russia is erroneous, Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Kravchenko said at a seminar "Priorities for International Parliamentary Cooperation in the Formation of a Multipolar World for the Development of the Republic of Belarus," BelTA


Valentina Matvienko: relations between Russia and Belarus are special and they are based on a common history

In the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly, a meeting was held between the head of the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation, Valentina Matvienko, with the chairman of the Council of the Republic, Natalia Kochanova. The meeting took place in a narrow and extended format. This was reported by the correspondent of the portal of the Union State


The first meeting of the organizing committee for the VII Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia was held in Minsk

Representatives of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus and the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation discussed a long-term plan for the upcoming VII Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia this year. The forum of the regions of the two countries will bring together more than 500 people, the correspondent of the Union State portal reports.


Alexander Lukashenko meets with Valentina Matvienko

On March 5, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko met with Chairman of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko


Alexander Lukashenko: We remain keen on direct contacts with Russian regions

Belarus retains great interest in direct contacts with Russian regions. The President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stated this at a meeting with the Governor of the Arkhangelsk region of Russia Igor Orlov, the press service of the Belarusian leader reports.


Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin discuss the issue of interest rates on a loan at BelAES

Presidents of Belarus and Russia Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin discussed the issue of interest rates on a loan at BelAES. The head of the Belarusian state said this today at a meeting with Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region of the Russian Federation Igor Orlov, BelTA has learned.


Proposals for resolving the situation in the oil sector were discussed by Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin

A telephone conversation between President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of Russia Vladimir Putin took place on February 21 at the initiative of the Russian side, the press service of the Belarusian leader said


Belneftekhim proposed Gazprom Neft tolling scheme for oil supplies, but no agreement

Concern Belneftekhim offered the Russian company Gazprom Neft a tolling scheme for oil supplies to Belarus. This was reported to reporters by the press secretary of the concern Alexander Tishchenko following the results of negotiations between Belneftekhim and representatives of the subsidiary company IOOO Gazpromneft-Belnefteproduct, BelTA


Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus losses from reduction of oil export duty in Russia - $ 420-430 million

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko Estimated Belarus Losses from Reducing Oil Export Duty in Russia at $ 420-430 Million The Head of State said this at a meeting with Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Vladimir Semashko


Belarusian road builders will build a highway near Tula

Today, Belarusian road experts are actively trying to enter the markets of other countries. And some results are already there. So, Belavtodor holding companies have already made themselves known in the vastness of our closest neighbors in Russia and Ukraine. Anatoly Fikov, Director General of DST No. 5 OJSC, told reporters about this in a press tour organized by the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus, the Union State portal reports.


The EAEU will change the technical regulation on the safety of meat products

The ECE Council requested the development of amendments to the technical regulation “On the safety of meat and meat products”. This was reported by the press service of the EEC


At BelAES, a targeted test of readiness for the delivery of fresh nuclear fuel has begun

A target check of readiness for the delivery of fresh nuclear fuel has begun at the Belarusian nuclear power plant, the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Gosatomnadzor) said


Sergey Rumas thanked Mikhail Mishustin for help in the evacuation of Belarusians from China

Sergey Rumas, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, expressed his gratitude to the Russian side for helping to evacuate on February 5, 2020 a special flight of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of ten Belarusian citizens who decided to leave Hubei Province of the People’s Republic of China in connection with a new type of coronavirus epidemic, government website


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